Fireball Data API

Version: 1.0 (2016 August)
change log

The fireball data API provides a method of requesting specific records from the available data-set. Every successful query will return content representing one or more fireball data records. See the CNEOS page on fireballs for details on this data-set.

HTTP Request


Example Queries

  • (return all available data in reverse-chronologic order)
  • (return the most recent 20 records)
  • (return data on or after 2014-01-01 and only records with the altitude defined)

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Function Description
date-min string none filter exclude data earlier than this date YYYY-MM-DD or date/time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
date-max string none filter exclude data later than this date YYYY-MM-DD or date/time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
energy-min string none filter exclude data with total-radiated-energy less than this positive value in joules ×1010 (e.g., 0.3 = 0.3×1010 joules)
energy-max string none filter exclude data with total-radiated-energy greater than this (see energy-min)
impact-e-min string none filter exclude data with estimated impact energy less than this positive value in kilotons (kt) (e.g., 0.08 kt)
impact-e-max string none filter exclude data with total-radiated-energy greater than this (see impact-e-min)
alt-min number none filter exclude data from objects with an altitude less than this (e.g., 22 meaning objects smaller than this)
alt-max number none filter exclude data from objects with an altitude greater than this (e.g., 17.75 meaning objects larger than this)
req-loc boolean false filter location (latitude and longitude) required; when set true, exclude data without a location
req-alt boolean false filter altitude required; when set true, exclude data without an altitude
req-vel-comp boolean false filter pre-entry velocity components required; when set true, exclude data without pre-entry velocity components
vel-comp boolean false selector include pre-entry velocity components
sort string “-date” sorter sort data on the specified field: “date”, “energy”, “impact-e”, “vel”, or “alt” (default sort order is ascending: prepend “-“ for descending)
limit number none filter limit data to the first N results (where N is the specified number and must be an integer value greater than zero)

Data Output

Please always check the JSON payload “signature” object for the API “version”. If the version does not match the version in this document (at the top), there is no guarantee that the format has not changed.

Example "signature" object with "version" value "1.0": "signature":{"version":"1.0","source":"NASA/JPL ... API"}

Data are returned in JSON format as a single object (hash-table). The number of records contained in the object is indicated in the “count” key. In cases where the user-specified constraints are too tight (no matching results), only the “count” and “signature” keys are returned, as in the following example.

{ "count":0, "signature":{"version":"1.0","source":"NASA/JPL Fireball Data API"} }

Each record is provided as an element of the “data” object and each record is an array of fields. The names of each field contained in each record is provided in the “fields” object array.

The fields are defined as follows.

Field Description
date date/time of peak brightness (GMT)
lat latitude at peak brightness (degrees)
lon longitude at peak brightness (degrees)
lat-dir latitude direction (“N” or “S”)
lon-dir latitude direction (“E” or “W”)
alt altitude above the geoid at peak brightness (km)
energy approximate total radiated energy (1010 joules)
impact-e approximate total impact energy (kt)
vx pre-entry velocity (Earth centered X component, km/s)
vy pre-entry velocity (Earth centered Y component, km/s)
vz pre-entry velocity (Earth centered Z component, km/s)

The following is a sample JSON-format result with req-alt=true sorted by date and limited (limit=3) to 3 records:

  "signature":{"version":"1.0","source":"NASA/JPL Fireball Data API"},
    ["2015-10-13 12:23:08","8.0","S","52.5","W",null,"2.3","0.082"],
    ["2015-10-11 00:07:46","55.4","S","18.8","W",null,"3.0","0.1"],
    ["2015-10-10 09:57:51","51.0","S","21.1","W",null,"3.6","0.12"]

Data Fields

Note that many fields can be undefined (null) in a particular data record. The only fields which are guaranteed to be defined are date, energy, and impact-e. Where the location is known, all four related fields (lat, lat-dir, lon, and lon-dir) are defined. Where the location is not known (reported), all four location fields will be null.

The date is reported as a string in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. Both lat and lon are reported as strings in decimal degrees. The lat-dir field will be either N or S (or null). Similarly, the lon-dir field will be either E or W (or null). The alt field is reported as string in decimal km and is referenced to the Earth geoid. Total radiated energy is reported in the energy field as a string in decimal joules × 1010 (for example, a reported value of 3.6 is 3.6 × 1010 joules). Impact energy is reported in the impact-e field in units of kilotons (kt).

All fields are relative to the fireball’s peak-brightness event.

HTTP Response Codes

All errors are returned via appropriate HTTP response codes.

HTTP Code Description Typical Usage
200 OK normal successful result: fireball data returned
400 Bad Request the request contained invalid keywords and/or content: details returned
405 Method Not Allowed the request used an incorrect method (see the HTTP Request section)
500 Internal Server Error the database is not available at the time of the request
503 Service Unavailable the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server, which will likely be alleviated after some delay

Change Log

Version 1.1 (2024 March)

  • Corrected mis-labeling of velocity components as “pre-entry velocity” components.
  • Removed derived pre-entry velocity magnitude and related query parameters:
    • vel-min
    • vel-max
    • req-vel

Version 1.0 (2016 August)

  • Initial release