SBDB Close-Approach Data API

Version: 1.5 (2023 March)
change log

This API provides access to current close-approach data for all asteroids and comets in JPL’s SBDB (Small-Body DataBase). Defaults for query parameters are setup for a typical CNEOS web-site search: NEO Earth close-approaches less than 0.05 au in the next 60 days sorted by date.

HTTP Request


Example Queries

  • get all close-approach data for asteroid 433 Eros within 0.2 au between 1900-Jan-01 and 2100-Jan-01:
  • get Earth close-approach data for NEOs within 10 lunar distances on or after 2018-Jan-01 sorted by distance

Query Parameters

Most query parameters are filters effectively limiting the data to those matching the constraints, a few are object selectors (limit data to those matching the specified object), and one is a sort key. Filter-type query parameters are “additive” in that they are combined with logical AND when applied to the data. Boolean-type filter parameters are only applied when true. For example, setting “neo=false” simply disables that filter (it does not select non-NEOs).

Parameter Type Default Function Description
date-min string “now” filter exclude data earlier than this date YYYY-MM-DD or date/time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or now for the current date
date-max string “+60” filter exclude data later than this date YYYY-MM-DD or date/time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or now for the current date or +D for “D” days after now (“D” must not be greater than 36525; be sure to URL-encode the plus sign + as %2B)
dist-min string none filter exclude data with an approach distance less than this, e.g., 0.05, 10LD (default units: au)
dist-max string “0.05” filter exclude data with an approach distance greater than this (see dist-min)
min-dist-min string none filter exclude data with an approach minimum-distance less than this, e.g., 0.05, 10LD (default units: au)
min-dist-max string none filter exclude data with an approach minimum-distance greater than this (see min-dist-min)
h-min number none filter exclude data from objects with H-values less than this (e.g., 22 meaning objects smaller than this)
h-max number none filter exclude data from objects with H-value greater than this (e.g., 17.75 meaning objects larger than this)
v-inf-min number none filter exclude data with V-infinity less than this positive value in km/s (e.g., 18.5)
v-inf-max number none filter exclude data with V-infinity greater than this positive value in km/s (e.g., 20)
v-rel-min number none filter exclude data with V-relative less than this positive value in km/s (e.g., 11.2)
v-rel-max number none filter exclude data with V-relative greater than this positive value in km/s (e.g., 19)
class string none filter limit data to objects with the specified orbit-class (e.g., ATE; see list of valid class values below)
pha boolean false filter limit data to PHAs
nea boolean false filter limit data to NEAs
comet boolean false filter limit data to comets
nea-comet boolean false filter limit data to NEAs and comets
neo boolean true filter limit data to NEOs
kind string none filter limit data to objects of the specified kind (a=asteriod, an=numbered-asteroids, au=unnumbered-asteroids, c=comets, cn=numbered-comets, cu=unnumbered-comets, n=numbered-objects, and u=unnumbered-objects)
spk int none selector only data for the object matching this SPK-ID (e.g., 2000433 )
des string none selector only data for the object matching this designation (e.g., 2015 AB or 141P or 433) [NOTE: when submitting a des containing a space in your query string, you must replace the space with %20, for example 2015%20AB]
body string “Earth” selector limit data to close-approaches to the specified body (e.g., Earth) or allow all bodies with ALL or * (see Close Approach Bodies section below)
sort string “date” sorter sort data on the specified field: “date”, “dist”, “dist-min”, “v-inf”, “v-rel”, “h”, or “object” (default sort order is ascending: prepend “-“ for descending)
limit number none filter limit data to the first N results (where N is the specified number and must be an integer value greater than zero); also output total available matching records
limit-from number none filter limit data to limit results starting from result record N (where N must be an integer greater than zero); limit must be specified
total-only boolean false output output the total number of records matching the specified filter ignoring limit and limit-from; do not output any data
diameter boolean false output include known diameter and diameter_sigma values
fullname boolean false output include the full-format object name/designation

Data Output

Please always check the JSON payload “signature” object for the API “version”. If the version does not match the version in this document (at the top), there is no guarantee that the format has not changed.

Example "signature" object with "version" value "1.0": "signature":{"version":"1.0","source":"NASA/JPL ... API"}

Successful query requests result in a JSON-format data payload. The specific content depends on the query mode. If a search is too restrictive, it is possible for a zero-count result (see below).

Each CAD record is packaged as an array of fields (corresponding to those listed) in the following order:

  • des - primary designation of the asteroid or comet (e.g., 443, 2000 SG344)
  • orbit_id - orbit ID used for the close-approach computation
  • jd - time of close-approach (JD Ephemeris Time, TDB)
  • cd - time of close-approach (formatted calendar date/time, TDB)
  • dist - nominal approach distance (au)
  • dist_min - minimum (3-sigma) approach distance (au)
  • dist_max - maximum (3-sigma) approach distance (au)
  • v_rel - velocity relative to the approach body at close approach (km/s)
  • v_inf - velocity relative to a massless body (km/s)
  • t_sigma_f - 3-sigma uncertainty in the time of close-approach (formatted in days, hours, and minutes; days are not included if zero; example “13:02” is 13 hours 2 minutes; example “2_09:08” is 2 days 9 hours 8 minutes)
  • body - name of the close-approach body (e.g., Earth)
    • only output if the body query parameters is set to ALL
  • h - absolute magnitude H (mag)
  • diameter - diameter of the body (km)
    • optional - only output if requested with the diameter query parameter
    • null if not known
  • diameter_sigma - 1-sigma uncertainty in the diameter of the body (km)
    • optional - only output if requested with the diameter query parameter
    • null if not known
  • fullname - formatted full-name/designation of the asteroid or comet
    • optional - only output if requested with the fullname query parameter
    • formatted with leading spaces for column alignment in monospaced font tables

Sample Data Output

Here is an example of the JSON-format output for a query resulting in 3 records for close-approaches to the Earth with a minimum distance of 1LD.

  "signature":{"source" : "NASA/JPL SBDB Close Approach Data API","version" : "1.5"},
    ["153814","174","2461948.724524223","2028-Jun-26 05:23","0.00166253924938707","0.00166237672775144","0.00166270177137481","10.2426019613426","10.084918538826","< 00:01","18.33","0.932","0.011","153814 (2001 WN5)"],
    ["99942","206","2462240.407091595","2029-Apr-13 21:46","0.000254099098170977","0.000254085852623379","0.000254112343772133","7.42249308586014","5.84135545611464","< 00:01","19.7","0.34","0.04"," 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4)"],
    ["2001 AV43","42","2462452.142037054","2029-Nov-11 15:25","0.00209271674918052","0.00209125158265035","0.00209418316351851","3.99789389003422","3.66561381185116","00:03","24.6",null,null,"       (2001 AV43)"]

Here’s an example of a zero-count result (e.g., a query is too restrictive).

  "signature":{"version":"1.5","source":"NASA/JPL SBDB Close Approach Data API"},
  "count" : 0

SBDB Orbit Class Values

Class Description
IEO Atira An asteroid orbit contained entirely within the orbit of the Earth (Q < 0.983 AU). Also known as an Interior Earth Object.
ATE Aten Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 2062 Aten (a < 1.0 AU; Q > 0.983 AU).
APO Apollo Near-Earth asteroid orbits which cross the Earth’s orbit similar to that of 1862 Apollo (a > 1.0 AU; q < 1.017 AU).
AMO Amor Near-Earth asteroid orbits similar to that of 1221 Amor (1.017 AU < q < 1.3 AU).
MCA Mars-crossing Asteroid Asteroids that cross the orbit of Mars constrained by (1.3 AU < q < 1.666 AU; a < 3.2 AU).
IMB Inner Main-belt Asteroid Asteroids with orbital elements constrained by (a < 2.0 AU; q > 1.666 AU).
MBA Main-belt Asteroid Asteroids with orbital elements constrained by (2.0 AU < a < 3.2 AU; q > 1.666 AU).
OMB Outer Main-belt Asteroid Asteroids with orbital elements constrained by (3.2 AU < a < 4.6 AU).
TJN Jupiter Trojan Asteroids trapped in Jupiter’s L4/L5 Lagrange points (4.6 AU < a < 5.5 AU; e < 0.3).
CEN Centaur Objects with orbits between Jupiter and Neptune (5.5 AU < a < 30.1 AU).
TNO TransNeptunian Object Objects with orbits outside Neptune (a > 30.1 AU).
PAA Parabolic Asteroid Asteroids on parabolic orbits (e = 1.0).
HYA Hyperbolic Asteroid Asteroids on hyperbolic orbits (e > 1.0).
HYP Hyperbolic Comet Comets on hyperbolic orbits (e > 1.0).
PAR Parabolic Comet Comets on parabolic orbits (e = 1.0).
COM Comet Comet orbit not matching any defined orbit class.
JFC Jupiter-family Comet* Jupiter-family comet, classical definition (P < 20 y).
HTC Halley-type Comet* Halley-type comet, classical definition (20 y < P < 200 y).
ETc Encke-type Comet Encke-type comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (Tj > 3; a < aJ).
CTc Chiron-type Comet Chiron-type comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (Tj > 3; a > aJ).
JFc Jupiter-family Comet Jupiter-family comet, as defined by Levison and Duncan (2 < Tj < 3).

Close Approach Bodies

The following bodies may be selected via the body query parameter. For example, use body=Juptr to select close approaches to planet Jupiter.

Value Body
Merc Mercury
Venus Venus
Earth Earth
Mars Mars
Juptr Jupiter
Satrn Saturn
Urnus Uranus
Neptn Neptune
Pluto Pluto
Moon Moon

HTTP Response Codes

All errors are returned via appropriate HTTP response codes. Note that it is possible to submit query parameters resulting in no matching data. In such cases, a non-error code of 200 is returned so the user is responsible for checking the payload if they wish to detect a null-result.

HTTP Code Description Typical Usage
200 OK normal successful result: array of CA data returned (may be empty)
400 Bad Request the request contained invalid keywords and/or content (details returned in the JSON payload)
405 Method Not Allowed the request used an incorrect method (see the HTTP Request section)
500 Internal Server Error the database is not available at the time of the request
503 Service Unavailable the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server, which will likely be alleviated after some delay

Change Log

Version 1.5 (2023 March)

  • Added additional filter query parameters limit-from and total-only.
  • Fields count and total now output as JSON numbers instead of strings.
  • Improved back-end data retrieval efficiency.

Version 1.4 (2021 July)

  • Added additional filter query parameters min-dist-min and min-dist-max.

Version 1.3 (2021 March)

  • Added boolean query parameter diameter to make the output of the new diameter and diameter_sigma values optional.

Version 1.2 (2021 March)

  • Added output of diameter and diameter_sigma. These values will be null when not available.

Version 1.1 (2016 September)

  • Updated default values for many query parameters such that the default query (i.e., with no query parameters set) results in data of typical interest (as opposed to dumping the entire data set).

Version 1.0 (2016 August)

  • Initial release