Horizons Lookup API

Version: 1.0 (2021 September)
change log

Process a user-specified name, designation, SPK-ID, IAU number, MPC packed designation, or other historical alias, and return in a standardized format its primary synonyms and all aliases recognized by JPL’s Horizons system as being linked to publicly available trajectory data.

This API is intended for telescope schedulers and others who need to correlate one of the many object labels typically possible with Horizons output and other sources.

For example, one might request an ephemeris for asteroid “1954 SO1” from Horizons. This API can be used to determine the object is also known as IAU-numbered object “17 Thetis”, has historical alternate designations of “A916 YF”, “A913 CA”, an MPC 7-character packed designation of “I52H00A”, and that an SPK file request will come back from Horizons with the name “2000017.bsp”.

HTTP Request

GET https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/api/horizons_lookup.api

Example Queries

  • Retrieve (In JSON format) all aliases for objects having the designation “2004 MN4”
    • https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/api/horizons_lookup.api?sstr=2004%20MN4
  • Retrieve (in text format) all aliases for objects containing the string “Halley”:
    • https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/api/horizons_lookup.api?sstr=Halley&format=text

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Allowed values Description
sstr string none discussion below Search string containing object name, designation, SPK-ID, IAU number, or MPC packed-format designation
group string none ast,com,pln,sat Optional object group limiter: use ast to limit search to asteroid only, com for comets only, pln for planets or spacecraft only, and sat for planetary satellites only
format string json json,text Specify output format: json for JSON or text for plain-text (use text for backward compatibility with prior obsolete CGI implementation)

Usage and examples

The sstr parameter can refer to a planet, asteroid, comet, natural satellite, or spacecraft.

Type of specification Example
name sstr=Juno
designation sstr=1990 MU
SPK ID sstr=2101955
IAU number sstr=1
MPC packed designation sstr=J89A00C

The search is case insensitive, but space sensitive.

If the type of object is known, the optional group parameter provides four limiters to restrict search results to a single type of object:

  • ast (asteroids only)
  • com (comets only)
  • pln (planets OR spacecraft only)
  • sat (natural satellites only)

For example, sstr=Juno would currently return data for three objects: the asteroid “3 Juno” as well as the Juno spacecraft and the Juno Centaur booster.

If it is known a-priori that only an asteroid was of interest, sstr=Juno&group=ast would return data only for asteroids and exclude spacecraft matches. Conversely, sstr=Juno&group=pln would return only spacecraft trajectories, not asteroids.

Similarly, sstr=Halley would return data for the comet AND asteroid (and perhaps any future spacecraft trajectories using that name), whereas sstr=Halley&group=com would return data only for comets. sstr=1P, the comet designation, would also work to limit results to comets.

Allowable Characters for sstr

The sstr parameter may contain any combination of alphanumeric characters, space, /, ', -, and ..

If the sstr parameter contains any space or other URI-reserved characters, it will be necessary to URL-encode such characters. For example, to search for “1990 MU”, use sstr=1990%20MU.

Data Output

Please always check the JSON payload “signature” object for the API “version”. If the version does not match the version in this document (at the top), there is no guarantee that the format has not changed.

Example "signature" object with "version" value "1.0": "signature":{"version":"1.0","source":"NASA/JPL ... API"}

A successful query returns results in JSON-format (by default) as shown in the example below. A query that does no match any known object is considered successful but will return a result with the JSON “count” keyword set to zero (“0”).

JSON-format results are provided in the JSON “result” array which contains one or more JSON-object for each matching Horizons body.

JSON keyword text-format equivalent Description
“name” “Object name” Name of the matching object (for numbered asteroids, this will contain the IAU-number as well as the IAU-name, e.g., 3 Juno)
“pdes” “Primary designation” Primary provisional designation (null if not known)
“spkid” “Primary SPKID” Primary SPK ID
“alias” “Aliases” A list of alternate designations, SPK IDs, etc. ([] if none)

For plain-text format results, see examples below under the heading Sample text-format Output.

Sample json-format Output

Here is an example of output for a singular match:


  "signature" : {
    "source" : "NASA/JPL Horizons Lookup API",
    "version" : "1.0"
  "count" : 1,
  "result" : [
      "alias" : [ "3264226", "K04M04N" ],
      "name" : "99942 Apophis",
      "spkid" : "2099942",
      "pdes" : "2004 MN4"

Here is an example of output for multiple matches:


  "signature" : {
    "source" : "NASA/JPL Horizons Lookup API",
    "version" : "1.0"
  "count" : 3,
  "result" : [
      "name" : "Juno (spacecraft)",
      "pdes" : null,
      "spkid" : "-61",
      "alias" : []
      "name" : "Juno Centaur Stage (spacecraft)",
      "pdes" : null,
      "spkid" : "-610",
      "alias" : []
      "name" : "3 Juno",
      "pdes" : "A804 RA",
      "spkid" : "2000003",
      "alias" : [ "I04R00A" ]

Here is an example of output for no matching objects:


  "signature" : {
    "source" : "NASA/JPL Horizons Lookup API",
    "version" : "1.0"
  "count" : "0"

Sample text-format Output

Note that records are delimited by a trailing blank line.

Here is an example of output for a singular match:



Object name        = 99942 Apophis
Primary SPKID      = 2099942
Primary designation= 2004 MN4
Aliases            = 3264226, K04M04N

Here is an example of output for multiple matches:



Object name        = Juno (spacecraft)
Primary SPKID      = -61
Primary designation=
Aliases            =

Object name        = Juno Centaur Stage (spacecraft)
Primary SPKID      = -610
Primary designation=
Aliases            =

Object name        = 3 Juno
Primary SPKID      = 2000003
Primary designation= A804 RA
Aliases            = I04R00A

Here is an example of output for no matching objects:



NOTICE: no matches found

HTTP Response Codes

Successful matches return one or more entry listings. Error messages and equivalent integer codes are returned otherwise, as described below.

It is possible to submit a search that produces no matching data. In such cases, a 200 error code is returned but the JSON “count” keyword has a value of “0”.

HTTP Code Description Typical Usage
200 OK normal result
400 Bad Request request contained invalid keywords and/or content
405 Method Not Allowed the request used an incorrect HTTP method (see the HTTP Request section)
500 Internal Server Error necessary databases are not available (server-side error)
503 Service Unavailable the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server, which will likely be alleviated after some delay

Change Log

Version 1.0 (2021 September)

  • Initial release