Small-Body Identification API

Version: 1.1 (2021 December)
change log

The Small-Body Identification API provides a method for finding known small bodies contained within a specified field of view (FOV) with respect to an observer location at a specified time.

HTTP Request


Example Query URLs

  • Request the list of asteroids contained in the FOV defined by RA limits 10:10:10-10:20:00 and declination limits 10 00’00”-10 30’00” as seen from Mauna Kea observatory (568) at 2021-02-09 00:00:00 -,10-30-00

  • Request first-pass data (based on simplified two-body propagation) from observatory F51 (Haleakala), NEO only -,10-10-10&two-pass=false&req-elem=false&sb-group=neo

  • Request osculating orbital elements of objects identified by second pass (numerical propagation using realistic force model) given the explicit geocentric state of the observer -,-6.319860760764293E%2B03,2.735882778341472E%2B03,7.326499360212761E%2B00,1.801234666741493E-01,2.003177731007209E%2B00&obs-time=2020-12-14&fov-ra-center=03-00-00&fov-dec-center=20-00-00&fov-ra-hwidth=1.5&fov-dec-hwidth=1.5&two-pass=true&suppress-first-pass=true&req-elem=true

Query Parameters

Observer Location Parameters

[Required] The observer location must be specified using one of the methods described below.

You may specify the observer location on the Earth (topocentric) using either an MPC observatory code, geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, and altitude) or the parallax. For spacecraft, you may specify the geocentric or heliocentric state vector of the observer.

Location defined by MPC observatory code:

Parameter Type Default Description
mpc-code string none MPC observer location code

Location defined by geodetic coordinates:

Parameter Type Default Description
lat number none geodetic latitude of observer (degrees, north-postive, [-90, 90])
lon number none geodetic latitude of observer (degrees, east-postive, [-180, 180])
alt number 0 altitude above the reference ellipsoid {WGS-84/GPS} (km)

Location defined by parallax:

Parameter Type Default Description
lon number none geodetic latitude of observer (degrees, east-postive, [-180, 180])
dxy number none parallax constant perp. to Earth’s spin axis (au x 10^7)
dz number none parallax constant along Earth’s spin axis (au x 10^7)

Location defined by geocentric state vector:

Parameter Type Default Description
xobs string none geocentric position vector (km) and, optionally, velocity vector (km/s) of the observer in the equatorial J2000 frame. Fields separated by commas. If the observer’s velocity is not specified, the API will not return the object’s rate of motion.

Location defined by heliocentric state vector:

Parameter Type Default Description
xobs-hel string none heliocentric position vector (au) and, optionally, velocity vector (au/d) of the observer in the equatorial J2000 frame. Fields separated by commas. If the observer’s velocity is not specified, the API will not return the object’s rate of motion.

Observation Constraint Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
obs-time string none [required] date/time of the observing night (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD[_hh:mm:ss] or JD, e.g., 2459555.5)
vmag-lim number none visual magnitude threshold

Field of View Parameters

[Required] The FOV must be defined using one of the two methods described below.

FOV edges defined explicitly:

Parameter Type Default Description
fov-ra-lim string none right-ascension values of the edges of the FOV (hh-mm-ss[.ss]). Fields separated by commas. For negative values, replace minus sign with M, e.g. M10-00-00.02
fov-dec-lim string none declination values of the edges of the FOV (dd-mm-ss[.ss]). Fields separated by commas. For negative values, replace minus sign with M, e.g. M10-00-00.02

FOV defined by center and half-width:

Parameter Type Default Description
fov-ra-center string none right-ascension of the center of the FOV (hh-mm-ss[.ss]). For negative values, replace minus sign with M, e.g. M10-00-00.02
fov-dec-center string none declination of the center of the FOV (dd-mm-ss[.ss]). For negative values, replace minus sign with M, e.g. M10-00-00.02
fov-ra-hwidth number 0.5 half-width of the FOV along RA (degrees)
fov-dec-hwidth number 0.5 half-width of the FOV along DEC (degrees)

Filtering Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
two-pass boolean false request a second pass that numerically integrates the orbits using a high-fidelity force model instead of using a two-body model
mag-required boolean true skip objects without magnitude parameters
suppress-first-pass boolean true (only used if two-pass is true) suppress output from first pass, which assumes two-body orbits

Output/Format Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
req-elem boolean false request osculating orbital elements of matching objects

SBDB Filter Constraints

Additional constraints on the orbital and physical parameters of the objects are available using the SBDB Filter.

Required Parameters

  • observer (observer location) is specified using one of the following forms:
    • valid topocentric MPC 3-character code (e.g., F51 but never 500 ‘geocentric’), or
    • geodetic coordinates: latitude, longitude, and altitude
      • latitude (lat) is specified in decimal degrees (north positive)
      • longitude (lon) is specified in decimal degrees (east positive)
      • altitude (alt) is specified in decimal kilometers (above the reference ellipsoid {WGS-84/GPS})
    • parallax:
      • geodetic latitude (lon) of observer (degrees, east-postive)
      • parallax constant perp. to Earth’s spin axis (dxy, au x 10^7)
      • parallax constant along Earth’s spin axis (dz, au x 10^7)
    • geocentric state vector:
      • xobs - components of the position and velocity vector w.r.t. Earth in the equatorial J2000 frame (km and km/s).
    • heliocentric state vector:
      • xobs-hel - components of the position and velocity vector w.r.t. the Sun in the equatorial J2000 frame (au and au/d).
  • obs-time (date/time of observation)
    • this date/time is used to determine the corresponding night at the specified observer location
    • time (hh:mm:ss) is not necessary in most cases although it may be convenient to specify hours to ensure selection of the desired night

NEO-Only Mode

To request only NEOs, add the field sb-group=neo to the query URL.

Data Output

Please always check the JSON payload “signature” object for the API “version”. If the version does not match the version in this document (at the top), there is no guarantee that the format has not changed.

Example "signature" object with "version" value "1.0": "signature":{"version":"1.0","source":"NASA/JPL ... API"}

A successful run of the SB_IDENT code results in details related to the observer location and FOV and a table of objects contained within the specified FOV.

Data Structure

  • summary - list of user-defined variables in the current API call.
  • observer - observation summary data. May contain the following fields:
    • obs_date - date of observation
    • location - name of observatory (only if mpc-code is defined).
    • fov_center - right-ascension and declination of the astrometric center of the FOV (hh:mm:ss, dd mm’ss”).
    • fov_offset - right-ascension and declination offset of the FOV (hh:mm:ss, dd mm’ss”).
  • n_first_pass - number of records from first pass.
  • n_second_pass - number of records from second pass (only if two-pass is true).
  • fields_first - columns headers for data_first_pass.
  • fields_second - columns headers for data_second_pass.

If req-elem is false:

  • data_first_pass - data table from first pass (unless suppres-first-pass is true). Column headers are defined by fields_first.
  • data_second_pass - data table from second pass (only if two-pass is true). Column headers are defined by fields_second.

If req-elem is true:

  • elem_first_pass - table of osculating orbital elements of objects found in the first pass (unless suppres-first-pass is true). Column headers are defined by fields_first.
  • elem_second_pass - table of osculating orbital elements of objects found in the second pass (only if two-pass is true). Column headers are defined by fields_second.

If additional SBDB Filter constraints are present:

  • sb_constraints - summary of SBDB Filter constraints.

Example Output

Request the list of asteroids contained in the FOV defined by RA limits 10:10:10-10:20:00 and declination limits 10 00’00”-10 30’00” as seen from Mauna Kea observatory (568) at 2021-02-09 00:00:00

API call -,10-30-00

API output:

   "signature" : {
      "source" : "NASA/JPL Small-Body Identification API",
      "version" : "1.1"
   "summary" : {
      "fov-dec-lim" : "10-00-00,10-30-00",
      "fov-ra-lim" : "10-10-00,10-20-00",
      "mag-required" : "true",
      "mpc-code" : "568",
      "obs-time" : "2021-02-09 00:00:00",
      "req-elem" : "false",
      "suppress-first-pass" : "true",
      "two-pass" : "true",
      "vmag-lim" : "20"
   "n_second_pass" : 20,
   "observer" : {
      "fov_center" : "10:15:00.00, +10 15'00.00\" (J2000)",
      "fov_offset" : "00:05:00.00, +00 15'00.00\"",
      "location" : "Mauna Kea",
      "obs_date" : "2021-Feb-09 00:00:00 (2459254.500000 UT)"
   "sb_constraints" : {
      "sb-kind" : "a"
   "fields_second" : [
      "Object name",
      "Astrometric RA (hh:mm:ss)",
      "Astrometric Dec (dd mm'ss\")",
      "Dist. from center RA (\")",
      "Dist. from center Dec (\")",
      "Dist. from center Norm (\")",
      "Visual magnitude (V)",
      "RA rate (deg/s)",
      "Dec rate (deg/s)"
   "data_second_pass" : [
      ["10193 Nishimoto (1996 PR1)","10:16:58.22","+10 28'34.3\"","2.E3","814.","1951.","19.4","-2.564E+01","1.035E+01"],
      ["15319 (1993 NU1)","10:19:52.66","+10 06'12.0\"","4.E3","-528.","4422.","18.5","-3.293E+01","1.591E+01"],

Request first-pass data from observatory F51 (Haleakala), NEO only.

API call -,10-10-10&two-pass=false&req-elem=false&sb-group=neo

API output:

   "signature" : {
      "source" : "NASA/JPL Small-Body Identification API",
      "version" : "1.1"
   "summary" : {
      "fov-dec-lim" : "10-05-10,10-10-10",
      "fov-ra-center" : "10-10-10",
      "fov-ra-hwidth" : "30",
      "mpc-code" : "F51",
      "obs-time" : "2020-01-01 11:10:01",
      "req-elem" : "false",
      "two-pass" : "false"
   "n_first_pass" : 1013,
   "observer" : {
      "fov_center" : "10:10:10.00, +10 07'40.00\" (J2000)",
      "fov_offset" : "02:00:00.00, +00 02'30.00\"",
      "location" : "Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala",
      "obs_date" : "2020-Jan-01 11:10:01 (2458849.965289 UT)"
   "sb_constraints" : {
      "sb-group" : "neo"
   "fields_first" : [
      "Object name",
      "Astrometric RA (hh:mm:ss)",
      "Astrometric Dec (dd mm'ss\")",
      "Dist. from center RA (\")",
      "Dist. from center Dec (\")",
      "Dist. from center Norm (\")",
      "Visual magnitude (V)",
      "RA rate (deg/s)",
      "Dec rate (deg/s)",
      "Est. error RA (\")",
      "Est. error Dec (\")"
   "data_first_pass" : [
      ["6489 Golevka (1991 JX)","02:00:07","+11 11'53\"","-4.E5","4.E3","4.4E5","24.1","1.107E+01","3.717E+00","5.4E5","5.4E5"],
      ["194006 (2001 SG10)","08:55:26","+10 05'19\"","-7.E4","-141.","6.7E4","23.1","-4.233E+01","6.650E+00","141.1","141.1"],

Request osculating orbital elements of objects identified by second pass given the explicit geocentric state of the observer.

API call -,-6.319860760764293E%2B03,2.735882778341472E%2B03,7.326499360212761E%2B00,1.801234666741493E-01,2.003177731007209E%2B00&obs-time=2020-12-14&fov-ra-center=03-00-00&fov-dec-center=20-00-00&fov-ra-hwidth=1.5&fov-dec-hwidth=1.5&two-pass=true&suppress-first-pass=true&req-elem=true

API output:

   "signature" : {
      "source" : "NASA/JPL Small-Body Identification API",
      "version" : "1.1"
   "summary" : {
      "fov-dec-center" : "20-00-00",
      "fov-dec-hwidth" : "1.5",
      "fov-ra-center" : "03-00-00",
      "fov-ra-hwidth" : "1.5",
      "obs-time" : "2020-12-14",
      "req-elem" : "true",
      "suppress-first-pass" : "true",
      "two-pass" : "true",
      "xobs" : "-5.957613176404512E+02,-6.319860760764293E+03,2.735882778341472E+03,7.326499360212761E+00,1.801234666741493E-01,2.003177731007209E+00"
   "n_second_pass" : 519,
   "observer" : {
      "fov_center" : "03:00:00.00, +20 00'00.00\" (J2000)",
      "fov_offset" : "00:06:00.00, +01 30'00.00\"",
      "frame" : "J2000",
      "obs_date" : "2020-Dec-14 00:00:00 (2459197.500000 UT)"
   "fields_second" : [
      "Object name",
      "Absolute magntiude (H)",
      "Magnitude slope (G)",
      "Perihelion (au)",
      "Time of perihelion passage (JD)",
      "Longitude of ascending node (deg)",
      "Argument of perihelion (deg)",
      "Inclination (deg)",
      "Epoch (JD)"
   "elem_second_pass" : [
      ["177 Irma","9.60","0.15","0.233641161","2.1234681","2459092.45216","346.97786","39.355511","1.3822545","2459000.5"],
      ["523 Ada (A904 BA)","9.90","0.15","0.178529043","2.4359491","2459306.32142","260.61929","189.98370","4.3131271","2459000.5"],

HTTP Response Codes

All errors are returned via appropriate HTTP response codes.

HTTP Code Description Typical Usage
200 OK normal successful result
400 Bad Request the request contained invalid keywords, content, or results are invalid: details returned
405 Method Not Allowed the request used an incorrect method (see the HTTP Request section)
500 Internal Server Error the database is not available at the time of the request
503 Service Unavailable the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server, which will likely be alleviated after some delay

Change Log

Version 1.1 (2021 December)

  • obs-time: allow JD as well as calendar date/time
  • bug fix: non-topocentric locations were using an incorrectly rounded time

Version 1.0 (2021 March)

  • Initial release